Here are some important tips for how to take care the Jeans for maintenance care. If you treat jeans from other clothes, jeans will last longer and fit better.
Label verification
Check the cleaning instructions and the type of jeans on the label inside the jeans. “Pre-washed” or “pre-wore” means that the jeans have undergone a manufacturing process to produce discoloration and minimize shrinkage. However, these jeans will still fade and shrink if it washes with boiling water and dried at high temperatures. To minimize discoloration and shrinkage, always wash and air dry in cold water. Dry cleaning is safer.
- The “raw” or “dry” process in which jeans are not washed and are not blue.
- “Single wash” is suitable for washing jeans with cold water to weaken the fiber and adjust the blue pigment.
“Sanforized” means that your jeans have shrunk before. They process most denim fabrics using this proprietary technology. It has existed for 70 years. It involves no chemicals. If it is washed with boiling water or dried with hot air, shrinkage will still occur.
“Unsterilized” or “shrink to fit” means that the waist of the jeans will shrink to 2 inches. The longer they get wet and the hotter the water, the greater their shrinkage. By drying in the machine will increase shrinkage.
Washing and drying
The more times you wash and wear jeans, the more they fade and the shorter their life span. Some people think that never washing jeans will make jeans last longer. This is a myth because the acid and oil on the skin will wear down the cotton. This is a “damn, not damn” situation!
Take Care
Therefore, the best care is the gentlest washing, such as turning them over and soaking them in the bathtub. Then shaking them, air-drying them, and doing as few times as possible! Likewise, dry cleaning is the safest.
Also Read: The Best Size for Women’s jeans
You can add a little salt to the cold water to further reduce discoloration and shrinkage. Use 1 cup for each bathtub and 1 cup for each washing machine.
Some people think that putting jeans in an ice bag and placing them in the freezer overnight can clean them. This is also a myth. By freezing can kill odor-causing bacteria, but it can remove oil and acid from skin or dirt.
Soap and detergent
Some jeans fans do not use soap or detergent. They soak the jeans and freeze to remove the smell. If you want soap, the mild type will minimize discoloration and deterioration. The mildest soaps are Woolite and Dr. Bronner. The mildest cleaner is Orvus Paste, which is used to wash quilts and horses. Turn the jeans over and soak them in cold water with dissolved soap or detergent for about 45 minutes. From time to time, shake the jeans with your hands. To dry, hang it outside, flat.
For machine washing, the best way is to turn the jeans over. Use cold water to place the washing machine in the most delicate cycle for washing and rinsing. Besides, please use as much water as possible. Do not wash jeans together with other clothes. Except for other jeans of the same color, load only 5 pairs at a time. Fill the washing machine with cold water, then dissolve neutral soap in the water, and add jeans. If you want to use fabric softener, do not pour it into the washing machine water.
- Instead, use a fabric softener dispenser. After washing, dry the inside or outside of the jeans.
- The best way to dry jeans is never in the machine! If you must use a tumble dryer, use the lowest heat setting or no heat at all.
Even if the jeans shrunk before, boiling water and machine drying can cause discoloration and shrinkage. Unless you are “pickling” jeans, don’t use bleach-see my pickling instructions. Do not mix jeans with other colored clothes in the washing machine. Wash light blue and dark blue jeans. The safest way to stretch jeans is to wear jeans when they are wet! Believe it or not, men and women who wear skinny jeans have health problems. Studies showed that women who are susceptible to yeast and bladder infections should minimize wearing tight jeans. Studies have also shown that men who continue to wear tights reduced sperm counts.
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